This work is for those who want to feel more empowered and free in their life.

This work is for those who want to feel more empowered and free in their life.

If you want to accelerate your path to inner

and outer mastery, I’d love to help you.


Connect more deeply to your Authentic self, your Purpose, and your Power
Increase your Clarity, Confidence and your Ability to Create your Desired Results
Experience more Joy, Fulfillment and Happiness

The process starts with us having a conversation to see if we feel we are an aligned fit to work together. We will discuss what you want most deeply and what’s in the way of you thriving. We’ll identify some clear, aligned next steps for you and once we decide working together makes sense, we’ll discuss the program that will best move you toward what you are wanting to create.



WellBeing Mastery

This is for you if you know that you as the leader of your life are likely, at least in part, the “problem” and the solution to what ails you. If you are ready and willing to do what it takes to create powerful change in your life now and would like some guidance, this may be your next step.

Team WellBeing

This is a combination package if you’re interested in one-to-one coaching and you’d also like me to work with others around you to help them understand the life-changing principles that you’re learning. Having your team on the same page and speaking the same language will expedite and amplify your transformation. This work can also be done with family members. Imagine having a team of powerful, like-minded people around you helping you create your vision…. priceless!

Team WellBeing

This is a combination package if you’re interested in one-to-one coaching and you’d also like me to work with others around you to help them understand the life-changing principles that you’re learning. Having your team on the same page and speaking the same language will expedite and amplify your transformation. This work can also be done with family members. Imagine having a team of powerful, like-minded people around you helping you create your vision…. priceless!

Circle of WellBeing Group Coaching

From time to time, I work with small groups of like-minded people. This is an intimate group of 6-12 who want to see how their current results are actually being created and how to create something different. This type of coaching allows for deep learning and transformation in a group setting. While others are being coached, you learn about yourself and when you’re being coached, they learn about themselves… sometimes the answers are more obvious when you’re witnessing someone else getting coached. It’s powerful to see that human dynamics are the same for all of us and that we are not alone in our challenges. It’s also wonderful to be seen and celebrated in our successes.

WellBeing Intensive

I can come to you OR you can join me in Costa Rica. If you want to jumpstart, accelerate or deepen our work together, you may want to start with one or more in-person, customizable VIP days or add it into your coaching program. You’ll have my full, undivided attention and we’ll focus solely on you, your goals and your challenges. It’s a powerful way to to step more fully into your wellbeing, clarity, power and purpose. If this is calling to you, connect with me and we’ll explore the possibility of working together.

“Allison is a fantastic coach, who provides a safe environment providing opportunity to explore what gets in the way of living the life I want and achieving the goals which lead me in that direction. Her lack of judgment and continued compassion and support were instrumental in allowing me to realize the false beliefs that were keeping me stuck in my story, making choices which continue to be out of alignment with my vision and goals. Her open nature and sense of humor were both advantageous for my process, and I highly recommend her as a coach to anyone considering her services. Your life will change, if you’re willing to do the work, and I cannot think of anyone more appropriate to do the work with.”

E.R., St. Louis, MO

“Allison Watts is wonderful. Her leadership and coaching qualities are unsurpassed. The steps into my inner self and soul was a wonderful experience that Allison helped walk me through. She helped me find the child and the adult within myself. Through that, I realized my true self, and what I want and need. Allison changed my life in so many ways… She helped me realize and slow my thinking to make the changes in my life. There is not enough positive that I can say. I now realize what I can achieve and what I can be in the world. I cannot thank Allison enough, and I would recommend her to any dental office, individual or group.”

A.S., RDH; Midland, TX

“In my conversations with Allison she has helped me see the core of why and who I am, not only as a dentist but more importantly as a person. By showing me the inter-relationship of my perceived “problems” and the fact that it is not those that matter, but it is actually myself, I have begun to appreciate the web I had become entangled in. My most shocking moment in discussions with Allison was when I felt like I was continually searching for the Holy Grail she showed me that the Holy Grail is in myself – not someone or something else. Once I found peace with this it has helped me move forward. It is a journey, not a destination and I am privileged that God brought Allison to walk that journey with me.”

Dr. L.B., Boston, MA


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