I’m Allison Watts

I’m dedicated to you being who you’re here to be, doing what you’re here to do and living the life you’re here to live.

Allison Watts

I’m dedicated to you being who you’re here to be, doing what you’re here to do and living the life you’re here to live.

This happens by you getting clear, connecting to the place true happiness comes from and getting to the root of what’s in your way. It also happens when you stop letting your mind run your life and take back your power. When you do this, your natural joy, wisdom and creativity will emerge.

I can help you do this with my inside-out approach. This approach is what has made the biggest difference and created the most lasting impact for me as well as my clients. I help my clients understand how they create their lives and where their true power lies.

This happens by you getting clear, connecting to the place true happiness comes from and getting to the root of what’s in your way. It also happens when you stop letting your mind run your life and take back your power. When you do this, your natural joy, wisdom and creativity will emerge.

I can help you do this with my inside-out approach. This approach is what has made the biggest difference and created the most lasting impact for me as well as my clients. I help my clients understand how they create their lives and where their true power lies.

Be well, do well and live well is a powerful and positive perspective and experience that has come from decades of studying and practicing. This approach supports me and my clients as we create lives we love, full of happiness, fulfillment, peace and whatever else is desired.

In a space of trust and commitment, we dialogue and you will see what you haven’t been able to see before. Seeing things in new ways expands your capacity to be, do and experience more of what you want.


Here’s How It Works:

Be well, do well and live well is a powerful and positive perspective and experience that has come from decades of studying and practicing. This approach supports me and my clients as we create lives we love, full of happiness, fulfillment, peace and whatever else is desired.

In a space of trust and commitment, we dialogue and you will see what you haven’t been able to see before. Seeing things in new ways expands your capacity to be, do and experience more of what you want.

Here’s How It Works:


We all want to be happy, to feel good and to feel okay…. In fact, that’s why we do almost everything we do, to feel better. But we have it backwards. Our feelings of wellbeing, happiness and fulfillment don’t come from where we think they come from--they come from inside of us, not outside. This is why I start with being.


From wellbeing and a free and clear mind comes free choice and greater possibility, which will lead you to a life you love. When we feel better, we do better. We make decisions and take action from a place of wellbeing and intention instead of fear and reaction. When you're clear about what you want to create and how to create it, you will take aligned actions that will lead you to a life you love. Doing well is focused on taking aligned actions from a state of wellbeing.


The more in touch you are with your wellbeing, the better you feel. The better you feel, the better decisions you make and the more on purpose you are. Clearly, when you are being and doing things from a place of wellbeing, you're more resourceful and your actions are more aligned with your true nature, which leads to experiencing more flow and enjoyment in life. Living well is the result of inner (being well) and outer (doing well) mastery.

About Me

I’ve known for a long time that I’m here to positively impact and empower as many people as possible by sharing what I’ve learned and by providing transformational tools for being, doing and living the best life possible. I love the ripple effect that’s created by helping individuals be better in every way so that they make a bigger difference for their families, their co-workers, the people they serve, their communities and ultimately, our world.

I live in the beautiful southern zone of Costa Rica with my husband, our son and our dog and we absolutely love it! Most of my coaching takes place via phone, Skype, or Zoom and sometimes we work in-person. My passion is helping you realize your full potential to become the person and leader you are here to be and to help you create and experience true fulfillment and happiness.

I started a restorative and esthetic dental practice from scratch in 1995 and practiced comprehensive, relationship-based, life-changing dentistry for 24 years. I learned from some of the best teachers in the world when it came to dentistry, Frank Spear, Pete Dawson and the Pankey Institute, and have served as faculty at Spear Education and the Pankey Institute. I’ve also worked with some amazing consultants and coaches over many years to learn business, leadership and communication skills for success in both my dental practice and personal life. Every bit of it has served me. I love learning and growing and I truly appreciate every single one of my teachers and mentors. And….

10 years into my dental practice, I reached a point in my practice where I had exactly what I thought I wanted, everything I’d aspired to and worked toward, and yet, I didn’t feel the happiness, satisfaction and fulfillment I thought I’d feel when I realized my dream. The truth is I felt pretty empty. I already loved personal development, but this experience catapulted me into a deeper journey of personal and spiritual discovery to figure out what was going on. I’d done everything right–why didn’t I feel happy and fulfilled?

Can you relate? Or can you see or feel that you may be headed that direction? If so, you’ve come to the right place. If not, you’ve still come to the right place. Keep reading…. No matter where you are on your journey, I’m committed to you living your best life and being your best self. That’s what the world needs…. you– connected to your true self, thriving, healthy, happy and creating your dreams.

About 5 years ago I sold my dental practice and have transitioned into full-time coaching. I received my first of many coaching certifications in 2007 and have been coaching for many years, but nothing has taught me more than my own personal growth journey. I have been working toward self mastery most of my life now and I am committed to an ongoing journey of growth and learning so that I can continue to live and serve at higher and higher levels.

Join me on this journey of creating yourself as the amazing person and leader you are here to be and find out what it feels like to relate to life and serve at the highest level.

Join me on this journey of creating yourself as the amazing person and leader you are here to be and find out what it feels like to relate to life and serve at the highest level.

“Allison is a fantastic coach, who provides a safe environment providing opportunity to explore what gets in the way of living the life I want and achieving the goals which lead me in that direction. Her lack of judgment and continued compassion and support were instrumental in allowing me to realize the false beliefs that were keeping me stuck in my story, making choices which continue to be out of alignment with my vision and goals. Her open nature and sense of humor were both advantageous for my process, and I highly recommend her as a coach to anyone considering her services. Your life will change, if you’re willing to do the work, and I cannot think of anyone more appropriate to do the work with.”

E.R., St. Louis, MO

“Allison Watts is wonderful. Her leadership and coaching qualities are unsurpassed. The steps into my inner self and soul was a wonderful experience that Allison helped walk me through. She helped me find the child and the adult within myself. Through that, I realized my true self, and what I want and need. Allison changed my life in so many ways… She helped me realize and slow my thinking to make the changes in my life. There is not enough positive that I can say. I now realize what I can achieve and what I can be in the world. I cannot thank Allison enough, and I would recommend her to any dental office, individual or group.”

A.S., RDH; Midland, TX

“In my conversations with Allison she has helped me see the core of why and who I am, not only as a dentist but more importantly as a person. By showing me the inter-relationship of my perceived “problems” and the fact that it is not those that matter, but it is actually myself, I have begun to appreciate the web I had become entangled in. My most shocking moment in discussions with Allison was when I felt like I was continually searching for the Holy Grail she showed me that the Holy Grail is in myself – not someone or something else. Once I found peace with this it has helped me move forward. It is a journey, not a destination and I am privileged that God brought Allison to walk that journey with me.”

Dr. L.B., Boston, MA

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