
Certified speaker, trainer and coach Will Bess returns once again to Practicing with the Masters to share John C. Maxwell’s next 3 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. Today, Will teaches us about laws 13-15 and how to use these laws to our benefit in our development as leaders.

Law 13 is the Law of the Picture. This law tells us that people do what they observe. We live what we teach and leading by example, while sounding cliché, still holds true in any type of leadership. In order to inspire their followers, leaders have to show their teams how they want  and need for them to conduct themselves. True leaders know that they must be practical enough to realize that vision without action achieves nothing.

The next law that Will shares with us is the Law of the Buy In. This law explains how people actually buy in to the leader first and then the vision. Leaders have the dream and then find the people who will help them to achieve this dream; the people find the leader and then the dream. Ghandi, John F. Kennedy, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, these were all leaders who inspired their followers to buy in to their dream.

Concluding this episode, Will explains the Law of Victory or how leaders find a way for the team to win. Crisis, adversity, pressure, these are all things that a victorious leader thrives under. Looking back in history, Winston Churchill exemplifies the Law of Victory because of not only his refusal to give in to Adolf Hitler’s demands, but by his foresight and strategic planning. He was able to recruit and unite world leaders to a common goal of victory. You don’t want to miss this episode’s valuable insights and lessons that will help you to become a better leader and that will help make the people around you – your team, your family – victorious.

What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • What the book and TV show The Band of Brothers tells us about the Law of the Picture.
  • Why you must lead by example to ensure your team’s success.
  • Will’s modeling insights for leaders.
  • Why you are the only thing holding back your vision’s success.
  • The 4 factors that will inspire people to buy in to a leader.
  • The 3 components of victory.

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The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership with Will Bess Part 5
