It has become far too common for dentists to reach the point of burnout, and it’s important for us to understand not only what causes it, but also how to combat this unsettling trend. Today we have returning special guest Dr. Barry Polansky on the show to share how dentists—and health care practitioners in general—can maintain a healthy mindset and stay motivated.

The owner of a practice in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, and the co-owner of Niche Dental Studio, Barry has been in private practice for over four decades. He has written nearly 100 articles for most of the dental journals and lectured throughout the world for the Texas Dental Association, the American Dental Association Annual Meeting, and more. He is also the author of four books, including his latest, The Complete Dentist: Positive Leadership and Communication Skills for Success.

In this episode, Barry shares insights from all his books, as well as the important lessons he’s learned through recently receiving a certification in positive psychology. Listen in to hear why too many dentists have lost their passion and what you can do to ensure this doesn’t happen to you.

What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • The #1 problem in dentistry (and health care in general) today.
  • What leads to dentists losing their passion.
  • Three key things people need to stay motivated.
  • Why positive psychology is a key component of leadership.
  • What young dentists need to stay ahead in the game.
  • How to slow down the mind and live in the gap between stimulus and response.
  • What the growth mindset is and why it’s so important.
  • Where leadership starts.
  • What you can do every day to improve your mindset.
  • How to decrease the chaos in your life.

Listen To The Full Interview:

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