
This time on Practicing with the Masters, Will Bess returns to share laws 16-18 of John C. Maxwell’s Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. Today, Will teaches us why these laws are vital to our growth and success as leaders.

We start with the Law of Momentum. Momentum can be a leader’s best friend or their worst enemy. Momentum is defined as the speed of force of movement and a driving power or strength. Momentum is essentially the ability to get things going and moving in the direction that you need…towards success. Failure to start momentum leads to the feeling of being able to do nothing right. But momentum, once achieved, is contagious to the whole team. Momentum is absolutely necessary for the success of the leader and the team.

Moving on to law 17, we learn about the Law of Priority, which teaches leaders to understand that activity does not necessarily equal accomplishment. As Will explains, being busy, doing work, does not mean that the right tasks are being completed for the success of the team. A great leader will always prioritize their time, tasks and team in order to ensure success as a whole.

The final law Will teaches is the Law of Sacrifice. While this law is one of the most vital, it is the one that most leaders get tripped up on. In order to succeed, this law says that a leader must “give up to go up.” Today’s success is the greatest threat to tomorrow’s success. Will explains that this means that you cannot rest, even once you have experienced success. It takes constant sacrifice and hard work to keep experiencing the results that we all desire in ourselves, our team and our business.

What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • Why sports teams are the best examples of the Law of Momentum.
  • The big results of momentum.
  • Why so many leaders waste time being busy.
  • The 3 reasons that leaders have difficulty prioritizing.
  • The R’s of prioritization.
  • The 5 G’s necessary in order to “go up” in success.

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The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership with Will Bess Part 6
