Dental Practice Ordinary To Extraordinary Allison Watts

There are plenty of people who seem to have the potential to accomplish great things, yet they don’t. Many of us settle for ordinary, but imagine how much more fulfillment and abundance we could create if we chose to be EXTRAordinary!

Are you interested in something MORE than ordinary results in your life and practice?  And what if I told you that one of the ways to accomplish that is through something simple we could all do a little better every day?



I know we’ve been talking about the branding steps and we’ll get back to that next week.  Today I think it’s important to talk about IMPLEMENTATION If we hear or read about something but don’t do anything with it, we really haven’t learned.  Does that make sense to you?

This may sound silly, but I’ve spent a lot of time, energy and money consuming knowledge thinking I was truly learning.  After I read the books or listened to the CD’s, the content was soon forgotten.   I want to save you from doing that and encourage you to take action on information that you feel is valuable and supports your goals, values, mission and vision.

The behavioralists believe that unless it creates a change in behavior, we haven’t truly learned.  I actually see now that that is true for me as well and probably true for all of us.

As Benjamin Franklin says:

“Tell me and I forget. 

Teach me and I remember.

 Involve me and I learn.” 

Click HERE To Tweet This Awesome Quote!!

I’d like to submit that we don’t truly learn by just hearing, seeing someone do it or reading about it. Think about it– Most of the roles in our lives we learned to do by doing it ourselves to figure out what works best for us.

All the time we hear knowledge is power, but it’s actually only potential power.  It only becomes power when we do something with it!

What are you doing to actively create an extraordinary life and practice? Share with us in the comments below.

Have a rockin’ week!
