Creating A Dental Practice You Love

Last week, I wrote about intentionally branding yourself and your practice.  I recommended 5 steps for creating your brand deliberately… I also believe these steps will help you create a practice you, your team and patients truly enjoy:

The first step is clarifying our values.  There are many different values clarification tools.  If you email me at, I’ll be happy to send you mine.

When we do the values clarification process, it’s important that:

check-mark-purple-hiWe give ourselves as much quiet, time and space as we need to get to the truth.

check-mark-purple-hiWe are in our heart-space instead of our head. Do what YOU need to do to connect with YOUR heart. Everyone’s different, but you might try closing your eyes, breathing deeply, going for a walk, spending time in nature, listening to relaxing music or meditating. I’d love to hear how you do this.

check-mark-purple-hiWe realize there are likely different types of values: Core values (these are likely 3-5 that are just who you are), Values you would like to have (confidence, abundance, etc), Values you see as rules of engagement (integrity, honesty, etc). There are probably others….

check-mark-purple-hiWe realize that there are no bad, wrong or lesser values. All values play out positively as long as they are really ours and we live in alignment with them

It’s important that these are OUR (the doctor’s) authentic values, not someone else’s or what we think they’re supposed to be.  These are the guideposts for how we behave, how we treat people and what we stand for and the team will be asked to buy in. 

These values are what you’re known for and what you and your team live out.  It’s important that your team see’s US (the doctor’s) modeling these values–being and doing what we say we want them to be and do.  Our team and patient’s will choose us and/or stay with us based on our values.

Enjoy the process…

Have a great week!
