Video 2 Creating better Clarity and Productivity

Over the weekend, I spent a lot of time on my vision and priorities and was looking back through some notes and courses I’ve taken.

I found some things I think you are totally gonna love! And will make a huge difference for you (if you do it). 

It may be something you have heard before and maybe you actually did it—or not!  This is something that we can (and should—I hate shoulds!) do periodically to help us focus on what really matters and clear out the clutter in our minds…. Inner chaos leads to outer chaos.  Let’s create clarity and focus instead.

It’s simple and very effective. It’s a way to create space in your life.

This comes from two sources (Marie Forleo and David Allen—Thanks, guys!), which I merged.

So, here we go (these are the steps I walked you through on the video):

Step 1: Take at least 10 minutes to dump EVERYTHING in your head and on your mind out onto paper.  All your thoughts, dreams, goals, emotions, to do’s, etc.  No editing or judging—JUST DUMP!  Honestly, if you do this full out, it could take hours—I know, scary, huh?

Step 2: Take 5 minutes or so to scratch out everything that is outside your control. Things you are worried about but can’t do anything about (usually things we want other people to do or be).

Step 3: Take 5 minutes or so to scratch out the things that you aren’t passionate about, don’t fit with your vision, values or mission…. Things you feel obligated or like you should do, but have no real interest or desire to do.

When you get finished doing this, you should have a good list of things that are in alignment with your goals and that you are interested in.

Now, reflect on what you are trying to accomplish right now in your life.  Then map out/create a plan focusing on that area of your life.  You might want to highlight the things on the list that you want to integrate now and leave the others for later.

This will help you simplify your life, focus and create the results you want in the areas most important to you right now.

I'm challenging you to do this right now and then come share with me how it went in the comments area below!

I'll see you there!
