You calendared your daily activities and now is the time to do it.
Act upon the plan with the right people doing the right things in the correct sequence. It does take discipline…
Action is the most important part. We can plan it and talk about it all day but if we don’t take action, we make no progress.
Speaking of progress, these are some of the things that get in the way of progress and action:
Distraction- This is a challenge a lot of us have. If we have decided that we want to accomplish this goal and it is infused with our values, vision and mission, nothing can stop us, right? Wrong! We have to know what to pay attention to and what not to. We have to stay away from “Bright shiny object syndrome”! It is the enemy to us getting what we want.
Procrastination- We all know this one: “I’ll do it later”, “I’ll do it tomorrow”, or “I’ll do it after…” Sometimes things happen and it’s okay as long as we regroup and get back on track. It’s not okay when we get completely off track.
Perfectionism- So many of us (especially dentists) have perfectionistic tendencies. I’m not talking about wanting to do things with excellence, I’m talking about the fear of making a mistake or not doing things perfect. We expect ourselves to be perfect and spend much off our time “getting ready” instead of taking action to move us closer to our goals (we fool ourselves by thinking that “getting ready” gets us closer, but it doesn’t after a certain point).
Perfection is the enemy of progress! If you want to make progress, you’ve got to just get in there and be willing to make mistakes. In fact, mistakes give us feedback and teach us how to do better next time. They move us along much faster….
I hope I’ve made my point here — take action! As you take action, preferably have each person in their strength and joy-zones and then make it happen.
Have an amazing week!
Allison Watts
ps … be sure to leave your comments, tips or questions in the comments section below! The more we share with others, the more we all learn together! If you know of anyone who could benefit from this information, please feel free to share it with them!