The 11 Huge Lessons and Gifts I got From My Mother (directly or indirectly)
by Allison Watts
- She made me stronger
- She gave me the gift of wanting to help heal others or help them heal themselves
- I learned that hope and personal power can get us through anything
- She formed me into a seeker of the truth
- I learned what unconditional love looks like (and doesn’t look like)
- I learned to have a discerning eye and appreciate beauty
- The gift of heightened awareness/intuition
- Drive and persistence to succeed
- I learned to work hard and get past, over and through my pain
- The value of learning to trust myself and my intuition
- Learning not to fear or worry about the future… strong faith
What gifts and lessons did you get from your mother?
Hope everyone had a nice Mother’s Day and have a great week!