Dentistry can be a very stressful profession for any practitioner, but what is it that gets some through it while others give up? Here to answer that question is Dr. Clifford Katz. Not only has Cliff seen dentistry from just about every angle during his career—which has included working as a military dentist, a private practitioner, a public health dentist, a dental educator, a consultant, a practice facilitator, and more—but his PhD dissertation research on stress in dentistry led to a highly regarded series of articles called “The Hardy Dentist.”

In this episode, Cliff discusses what makes dentistry such a stressful profession and why depression is common in the field. He also shares what determines how people deal with stress, as well as what skills you can develop in order to become a “hardy dentist.”

What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • What determines how people are affected by stress.
  • One of the biggest stressors for dentists.
  • How irrational beliefs cause psychological pain.
  • What it takes to get rid of a belief that’s hurting you.
  • The risks associated with perfectionism.
  • Three variables that determine hardiness.
  • What skills to develop if you want to become hardy.

Listen To The Full Interview:

Featured On The Show:

  • Connect with Dr. Clifford Katz: Email

Full Episode Transcript:
