
Once again, returning to share John C. Maxwell’s next 3 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership is certified speaker, trainer and coach, Will Bess. This week, Will teaches us about laws 7-9 and their importance to our development as leaders.

Starting with the Law of Respect, Will teaches us that people naturally follow leaders who are stronger than themselves. What a leader does to earn and keep the respect of the followers is all about the emotions that they inspire in those around them. He explains the new need to be intentional with our leadership and inspire emotions in people. This cannot happen accidentally, it is intentional and should always be done with a purpose.

The next two laws, the Law of Intuition and the Law of Magnetism, can be the hardest laws to teach to those who are not born a natural leader. All people are intuitive in their area of strength, but not necessarily in leadership. Understanding and recognizing emotions in your team, your family and your friends, our emotional intelligence can drastically affect how your team respects and follows you. You do not want to miss part 3 of Will’s phenomenal breakdown of John’s laws of leadership. It is sure to help you become one of John’s loyal followers and have you clamoring to learn more!

What You’ll Learn From This Episode:

  • What Harriet Tubman’s story teaches us about The Law of Respect.
  • The 2 biggest factors necessary for a leader to gain respect.
  • 6 qualities that help leaders gain respect.
  • The 2 factors that constitute The Law of Intuition.
  • The 3 levels of leadership intuition.
  • 5 ways to increase your emotional intelligence.

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The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership with Will Bess Part 3
