We Spend January 1 Looking for Flaws. Why Not Spend It Looking For Possibilities!

Happy New Year!

I have designed a nice little acronym to help us all start the year out right.  In fact, it’s not just to use for a new year; it can be used any time to create results that you truly want.  It can be used in our personal lives and our business’/practices.  I’ll be sending out a series of articles and videos to clarify this process and help make this information as useful as possible, so you really can make this year the best yet! 

First I want to go through what each letter of the acronym stands for and then let’s get into the first one because I want you to be able to work on it as we head into the new year.  I went through my first step this weekend!!!

Clarify your values, mission, vision and goals.

Relay your mission, vision and/or goals (whichever you feel appropriate) to your family, friends and/or team with passion to help them visualize what you want to create.  As you share them, everyone will become clearer and get excited.

Engineer a plan (with your team, family, friends) to see your goals accomplished, including building in accountability.

Act upon the plan with the right people doing the right things in the correct sequence.

Three T’sTeam—it takes teamwork to accomplish most worthwhile goals, Time—give it some period of time, meaning try it for 3 months, 6 months, whatever timeframe seems to make sense for the goal, and Trust—trust that it will happen.

Evaluate your progress.  Celebrate what’s working and re-work/tweak it (you can start again now with this new information at step 1).  Try to focus on the positives!!!

In my (very humble) opinion, we should start with our life first and include our practice in it or clarify specific mission, vision and goals for our practice that allow our practice to support our entire lives rather than have our life support our practices… been there, done that and didn’t care for it too much!

As we move into the new year, take some time (if you haven’t already) to sit down and get into your heart (and out of your head as much as possible) to discover what’s really important to you and what you really want to create this year. 

I feel it’s simplest and clearest to split the letter C up into parts starting with VALUES clarification (otherwise, the videos and articles will get too long and boring!) Click here for the Values Clarification exercise! 


I’d love to hear your comments and feedback below!!!

Let's Do This Thing 2014!! Happy New Year - Allison Watts - Transformational Practices






Here’s to 2014….Cheers!
