Making Life's Transitions Easier

Today we're heading into some interesting territory.

I can only imagine the diverse group of stories and challenges we all have related to these experiences and I am sure there are quite a few similarities we have in regards to this topic.

The truth is, this topic affects a LOT of people, maybe even everyone (once they get to a certain stage of life) – but most of us don’t talk about it!  I haven’t heard many people talk about it at all… But I’m going to now.  

Left unexamined, these struggles lead many people (especially women, I’m guessing) to feel like they are literally going crazy!!!

Because when you find yourself feeling like just about everything in your life is changing, you may feel completely “undone” and not like yourself at all.

If you find yourself in this state…

You may be in a life transition, maybe even THE life transition (mid-life), like me.  But it doesn’t have to be a crisis!

It can be relatively smooth, but only way to transform the unknown or things we are resisting (resistance creates suffering!) is by shining light on them and revealing them for what they truly are and then creating ways to move through them with grace and ease.

I found it helpful to do the following:

1. Get curious about the things that are happening and talk about them with friends and family.

2. Be compassionate with yourself and others and realize these changes are normal, there is an end in sight and you do have choices in how you cope with these changes.

3. Go with the flow as much as possible—even though you can’t control the changes, you do have the power to change your response to them!

4. Don’t think of these life changes as bad or as endings, think of them as different, a new chapter. Think of them as new beginnings and opportunities.

Another thing you can do if at all possible is try to have a sense of humor about it all!

So today, that's exactly what we’re doing.  

If the changes you’re experiencing aren’t like mine, that's fine.  If you’re not experiencing this yet, that’s fine too.  Maybe this will help you when you do go through it… if for no other reason, just knowing that you’re not alone and you will make it through, most likely with your sanity in tact.  And if you’ve already been through it and have some pointers for the rest of us, please comment below.


Once you've had a chance to watch, I'd love to hear from you.

Have you ever felt like you were experiencing big changes or needed to make some big changes in your life? What steps did you take to move through it and on with the next stage of your life?

If you have insight or experience to share, I want to know about it.

Come tell me your story in the comments.  

This is so important as how you choose to experience these changes affects how well and how quickly you move through them and begin creating your future!  The best years are ahead of us!

I’m totally serious about this. If you've ever been through a confusing or “crazy-making” time in your life — especially when it affects every part of your life– then you know how strange and helpless it can feel. 

Believe me, hearing experiences from other people who have already been through it and made it out alive, or even successfully makes a huge, positive difference.


Here’s to your success!
