I remember years ago in one of my Pankey study club meetings, I was struggling to create what I wanted in my practice and life and I asked a colleague something like this, “When we try to create what we want and it’s not working, what is it that gets in the way?” He looked at me like I was crazy!!!   …but now I understand!

If we let them, what gets in the way is our doubts, fears, old beliefs, conflicting beliefs, conflicting values, other people’s desires, etc… How do we stop this from happening? 

You all have probably heard of the “Law of Attraction”. I loved the book and movie and the ideas presented, but there was a “catch” and one of the lines in the movie spoke to it. 
Michael Beckwith said something like this:We get what we believe whether it’s conscious or unconscious. That’s the rub.” 
I remember thinking, “Oh, crap! I need to figure out my unconscious beliefs and make them conscious so I can change them if they are not working for me."
That started my search… For the last 6 years (at least), I’ve been on a mission to become aware of those hindrances to my happiness, my unconscious beliefs! I’ve taken so many workshops and hired so many coaches and trainers and even became a trained coach myself so I could have ALL the tools! 
Well, I finally have the tools to change things and create what I want! The most powerful tools came through a workshop called Avatar http://www.avatarepc.com. Out of all the courses, trainings and personal transformation workshops I’ve taken, this is the most powerful. It has helped me quiet my mind, create greater clarity about what I want to create and what’s getting in my way and restore my feeling of personal empowerment. 

Please contact me if you’d like information on these powerful tools (mailto:insight@allisonwatts.com). 
I’d like to share one of the tools I learned in Avatar with you today.  This is a tool that will reveal the unconscious belief(s) that are creating the experience if you stick with it! It can take a while and it can get hard.  If you are experiencing something you’d prefer not to experience, have someone ask you the following questions about it:

A. What would you like to change?   (ex. my relationship with my son isn’t working)

B. What would somebody have to believe in order to experience (a relationship with their son that’s not working)?  
C. How do you prove that belief is true?

D. What else would someone have to believe in order to experience (a relationship with their son that’s not working)? 

E. How do you prove that belief is true?

Continue alternating questions D and E until a significant realization is made about what is creating this experience.   It will be what is referred to in Avatar as a transparent belief (a belief one operates through without seeing it, i.e. unconscious belief).

I truly hope you enjoy this exercise — okay, maybe not enjoy, but learn something from it. It is a tool you can use anytime you want to or need to. I have come to appreciate all the tools that are helping me experience more freedom and personal power. I believe that awareness creates choice and choice creates freedom.  In my coaching practice, I help people experience more and more choice, freedom and power. More powerful tools to come…

Happy New Year! Here’s to a year of joy and empowerment!
Allison Watts, DDS